
The genesis of a story is always in the past. Its production is a merger of remnants. Its value is determined by the place it claims in our imagination. The deeper the elements of a story penetrate, the stronger the resistance created in the listener. This resistance is the product of unconscious mechanism which brings about qualitative links of their own.

Excursions into/through Postmodernism


Being and Doing – 58 mins film featuring performance art in Eastern and Western Europe Arts Council commission – by Ken McMullen & Stuart Brisley, 1983


John Berger: Fragments of Tate and Whitechapel – interview by Richard Hamilton

Pepe Mujica
John Berger

Jacques Derrida
Med Hondo
Neil Calder
Tadeusz Kantor
Gustav Metzke
Bernard Steigler
Helen Cixoux
Thesis on Oskar Schlemmer Lindsey Anderson

Patrick Herring

Terry Frost
Ian Hamilton Finley – concrete poetry (Classicist- Action and Ethics )
Derek Jarman
Russia Today Interview / TV Station.
Tamarra Deutshe –Trotsky archives were given by himself to Harvard University (names are sealed) apart from Isaac and Tamarra- Gave KM access to Private correspondence with Zina Psychoanalyst - the daughter Trotsky and her father. Public Domain.
John Marsh Russell- Physicist - Theorist
Michael Doser – Physicist - experimentalist
Audio recording of Sefaris- Greek Poet ( mixing history and mythology). Mythsteria. Michael Do
Roshan Seth (Partition)
Richard Wilson
Interview Ian McKellen – Imagery.



Oedipus Flabbergasted Play (1993) originally performed in Cockrane Theater

Transcripts from interview with Derrida

Paper works (1968) |Environment piece (stretch paper) Suspended – paintings cut-out


Art Works